Monday, April 5, 2010

Home Depot and Planting Herbs

Whew!!! I feel like I haven't been able to blog in forever! Well, I haven't fallen off the planet friends, it's just been extremely busy at work and when I am home, my little Mr. Man wants all of my attention so, blogging gets put on the back burner.....but I am back with some great pictures and recent Giacalone family events! I hope you all enjoy! Miss my blogging buds!

A few weeks ago Salvo and I wanted to start our herb garden since Spring has sprung and we love fresh herbs to cook with! So we loaded up the Boo Boo and took a trip to my husband's favorite place, Home Dopot!

Leo loves going to any store because he loves to ride in the carts! It was kind of cold this day, so we bundled him up. They had a great selection! We got basil, parsley, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, and hot peppers (for Sal).
Man, Mommy and Daddy take a long time to shop! Are you almost done? It's almost lunch time!

I am glad that my husband has the "green thumb" in our household! I love having a pretty yard, but I don't want to be the "gardener". Thanks Babe! It's gorgeous!
The finished product! Grow little plants, grow! They have actually grown a lot since we planted them a few weeks ago! Can't wait for that fresh basil again this summer! Happy Spring friends!!


  1. Welcome back Sheryl. Love the garden, it is going to be so fun having those fresh herbs. I planted mine too early and they were drowned by the round II. Hope this one sticks. :)

  2. Hey!! You are back!! Love your garden, I wish I had some fresh herbs!! Leo is as cute as ever! Miss you!

  3. Sheryl I love your yard and I love that you and Salvo "Have Pride of Ownership", its what weekends are all about....and I think I would just enjoy cruising through Home Depot with that Buck a Roo in my cart!

  4. Nominated you for something on my blog!! Hope all is well with you guys, can't wait to get together hopefully soon!!!

  5. Hi Sher-Bear!

    I opened a GMail account just for YOU so I could officially follow your blog! I believe you are off track soon (June I think) so I look forward to more entries! Especially looking forward to a review of Nicoles wedding and lots MORE pics of Mr. Leo.

    Love you lots!


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