Monday, February 15, 2010

Bumps and Bruises....Oh Boy!

I felt so bad for my poor little man today. After we went to the park with Gammy, I brought Leo home because I thought he needed a good nap. Well he DID NOT want to take a nap, so I let him play for a while in his playroom. I was in there with him but I guess I can't save him from everything. He was pulling his Valentine's balloon around the room and somehow got tangled in the ribbon and fell face first onto the rim of his plastic toy ripped the skin on top of his nose and I could see a bruise coming almost instantly.......oh the crying that took he is having lunch and thankfully he is still a happy munchkin! Oh baby, mama's sorry! It really looks worse in person.........He is standing right next to me as I type and I am thinking to myself "Oh my gosh Sal is going to think I'm a horrible Mommy!" Oh yeah, and a little while later he got his chubby little finger stuck in one of his toys and screamed bloody murder! Yeah, I felt like a great mom today!!



  1. Oh that Leo, He is a the Lion, he will be fine. I can't tell you how many scrapes you got're a good Mom!

  2. Oh Sheryl, don't be too hard on yourself. He will get many, many more bumps and bruises. Part of growing up! He is still a cutie pie....bruise and all!

  3. Sheryl, No worries. Sean was so bruise happy I was afraid to take him to the doctor for well visits. He was always getting hurt on something and sometimes I didn't even know how he got his bruises. Now that I think about it, it may have been from his sisters. Boys are so rough but so fun. You are a great mom.

  4. Ahh, poor guy! If you think you are a bad mother for Leo hurting himself then I don't even want to tell you what happens in this house. I've been letting Madi bite Riley. Yes I said it out loud. Riley deserves to be bitten every once in a while. She's mean, sometimes I even feel like biting her.

    He still looks as cute as can be, he's such a happy little guy!


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