Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Fun with Daddy

This past weekend was so fun! Salvo had 4 days off, so we wanted to make he best of it but it was sooooooo cold, I mean unusually cold for So Cal!! There was snow on our local mountains behind our house.....that cold! So we did a few fun things close to home.
On Saturday morning we bundled up and went out to breakfast.......we never do this, I think I've taken Leo out to breakfast one time in his short life. Anyway, I had no groceries in the house and it rained all day Friday and I HATE going to the store in the rain, so the only way to feed my family was to bundle up the monkey (both of them) & head out to breakfast!!!
As you can see, we ended up here........
We only go here for breakfast and it has been a long time, so we decided to belly up to the sticky Denny's menus and tables....I had lots of wipes with me!
Leo ate little bits from our plates. He had pancakes,waffles, fruit, eggs, and bacon....a new experience for him because I don't buy bacon unless a recipe calls for it, but he loved all of it's crunchy salty goodness! I think his breakfast was better than ours!

Thank goodness for restaurants providing these crayons and coloring book keeps him quiet for abut 6 minutes, but at least it's something and he's getting better at coloring now so he is interested in it!
On Sunday we decided to get out of the house and go to the park. It was surprisingly warmer and turned out to be a perfect day to play at the park! As you can see Monkey is in tow, LOL!
Daddy played with Leo for a long time at the park. He took him on the "big kids" play area and down the big slides.
He pushed him on the swings and made him laugh really hard because daddies are funny. Monkey liked the swing ride too!
While we were there, Leo discovered a new love for picking up the mulch that covers the play area and throwing it in the air and laughing hysterically....this is what he was doing in this pic!
It was a fun time at the park followed by a trip to Miguel's drive thru, perfect day!
Daddy took Monday off too, we were so lucky......and Mommy was so lucky to have help with the rambunctious toddler for four days in a row!!!
Leo got this Mickey Mouse tent as a Christmas gift from his Uncle Lenny and Auntie Kim. It is really cute and Daddy put it together on Monday. They had a ball paying in it and pretending like it was a house. Leo kept bringing different toys in and out and piling all he could into his little tent.......I think he might be a hoarder, lol!
While I made dinner (I'll blog that meal later) they played piggy back rides and did all that rough house stuff that daddies are so good at!! This one is really cute!
Little boys definitely need a daddy around to do all the fun stuff that mommies are too tired and pregnant to do! Thanks babe for a fun weekend & Leo thanks you too!
Until next time friends........Ciao!!

1 comment:

  1. Sheryl,
    Leo is so adorable! I see so much of you in him! I got to see your Mama on Tuesday. I have missed her. I hear you are feeling pretty good, and anxiously awaiting baby boy number two!!!!


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