Thursday, June 30, 2011

Waiting, Waiting.....

We are (not so patiently) awaiting the arrival of little Aiden!!! It has been a long 9 &1/2 months and I'm ready to move on to the newborn stage. My C-section is scheduled for tomorrow July 1, 2011 at 12:00 pm. I think we are ready.....the Pack & Play is set up, the nursery is all ready, diapers & wipes are in abundant supply, & my bag is packed for the hospital. We cannot wait to see his little face and introduce Leo to his little brother! Sal is getting off work early today and going to my last doctor appointment with me. Leo is at Mrs. Kim's for the day (thank goodness for Mrs. Kim). Tomorrow will be a crazy, exciting, nerve racking, wonderful day. Gammy, Papa, Auntie Nicole, Auntie Lin, Grandma, & Grandpa will be there to meet Aiden when he arrives. We are praying for a smooth and speedy operation and can't wait to hear his little cry. Looking forward to all the wonderful moments to come and lots of pictures to post! Until then friends,
Ciao!!!! :)


  1. Sheryl,
    You do sound ready....we can't wait to meet the new little guy. Enjoy being surrounded by your family when you welcome Mr. Aiden.
    Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
    PS. Love the new blog look...very boy!!!

  2. Praying for the perfect delivery! Can't wait to meet him Sheryl. Today is the day!! I bet you are extremely excited. Good luck lady! I too love the new blog look, so cute!


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