Monday, February 22, 2010

Don't Get Me Wrong....

I love being a teacher! It is a very fulfilling job and I am never bored, not one minute, plus my students think I hang the moon .........but.......... this is the week I always dread whenever I am off track; the week before school starts again! I dread it because I have to spend it getting ready for work. When you work at a year-round school you have to share the classrooms, so that means every 3 months I am packing up my room and storing everything in the closets I am assigned while I am off track (which are getting rather full by the way). When it comes time to go back, I then have to take everything back out of the closets and start fresh in a new room. Setting up the room will take all of this weekend (thanks goodness we are going to Bon Jovi Saturday night) and I am not looking forward to it because I am a bit of perfectionist when it comes to my classroom. I don't know what it is, but I like things to be just right, especially my bulletin boards!

If it sounds like I am complaining it's probably because I am! I shouldn't be complaining because I am fortunate to have a job that I love! I just think I am a little sad that Leo has to go back to day care Monday and I won't be able to spend this much time with him for another 3 months.


  1. That is the beauty of the vent our frustrations. I think teaching is the best job because you get so much time off. I would love to be off for a whole month at a time. It would be heavenly...but I will miss you when you go back on track. :(

  2. So hard Sheryl. I can feel your heart being tugged.

  3. That's hard. As much as my kids drive me crazy I'm so grateful that I don't have to put them in day care. That has to be one of the hardest things. I'm with my Mom too, at least you do have those months off at a time, that is killer!! Looking forward to tomorrow!

  4. Sheryl Pidgeon you need to enlighten your friends about your Day Care, and Miss Kim


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